Monday, January 25, 2016

Brown vs Black

So when another missionary talks to someone that speaks Spanish, they refer them to us because we're the Spanish speaking missionaries.

So, we got a referral and went to contact him. Turns out he's black and not Hispanic, so we laughed super hard at the missionaries who racistly just referred us to everyone they see that's brown haha. But we're going back to teach him so that's cool.

Also I found out that my companion got jumped at a bus stop back in Baltimore when he lived there. Also, my companion was a diamond 1 in League of Legends, top .5% of all players worldwide, so that's crazy awesome.

My favorite right now is Moroni chapter 8, verses 25-26: "And the firstfruits of repentance is baptismandbaptism cometh by faith unto thefulfilling the commandments; and thefulfilling the commandments bringethremission of sins;
And the remission of sins bringethmeeknessand lowliness of heart;and because of meekness andlowliness of heart cometh thevisitation of the Holy GhostwhichComforter filleth with hope andperfect lovewhich love endureth bydiligence unto prayeruntil the endshall come, when all the saints shalldwell with God."
the gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple and perfect I love it!! Let's go make someone's burden lighter this week.


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