Monday, July 27, 2015


This week I saw so many blessings from the Lord! Drawing nearer to the end of the month, we were running low on food and people fed us more than ever this week it was so awesome!! And now we have more than enough and I've gained weight. We also started wanting to share the movie "Meet the Mormons" with a lot of people but we didn't have a copy, and someone out of the blue gave us one. Our apartment was full of trash and fruit flies, and a member came and helped us take all the trash out with their truck. (Still working on the fruit flies). We've been using golf clubs to hit walnuts and rotten apples in our backyard into the corn field behind the house, not sure if that's legal or safe. But someone gave us legit golf balls out of nowhere, pretty sweet. But yeah we have been blessed a lot this week it is amazing. No real funny stories. We got a flat tire again though haha these Marshalltown roads.

We were talking with one of our good friends this week, and he was talking about his past and how he changed his life and started a family, and that being a father was a better and stronger feeling than anything ever in his past life. That serves as a good reminder for me that it seems like a lot of other things are more fun having a family, but family brings us SO MUCH happiness in this life, and it's lasting. We left them a copy of "The Family: A Proclamation to the World", a statement the church put out back in 1995, and when we came back, it was framed. I love it. 
There's also this cheesy, goofy mormon message I saw this week, it came out a few weeks ago, but I love it for some reason.

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